What Does a Minimalist Wardrobe Look Like?

Lately, the term minimalist has been tossed around a lot when it comes to styling anything. It started with people keeping minimalistic homes and it has now evolved to clothing and a way of life. Theminimalists.com defines minimalism as “...a tool that can assist you in finding freedom.” So, if you’re looking for a less cluttered way to live your life while pairing down your wardrobe, minimalism might be for you. With that in mind, let’s focus more on what a minimalist wardrobe is and how to find freedom with minimalism.
What is a Minimalist Wardrobe?
In today’s world, it seems pretty normal to have too many clothes. You might even still be haunted by some old high school sweaters or jeans. It’s okay to hold on to them if you still wear them, but if not, it might be time to let them go.
Do you have t-shirts that you bought to wear “someday” but you’ve never liked them enough to try them? It might be time to thank them and say goodbye to them also.
Being a minimalist focuses on getting rid of things you don’t use. It also focuses on having items you need that can be mixed and matched. You might’ve even heard of minimalism’s cousin, the capsule wardrobe. That’s another way to pair down your clothes and mix and match them more efficiently.
Cleaning out Your Closet
A few years back, Marie Kondo took the world by storm with her book and Netflix show about paring down your home to only things that bring you joy. Minimalism is similar. You might be able to take a few pages out of Marie’s book and get to work. Start by going through your closet and getting rid of unnecessary items. If they don’t bring you joy and you no longer use them, thank them and donate them.
If you have some good basics that you love, like jeans, a few neutral-colored tops, and shoes, these might be the perfect start to your minimalist wardrobe. Keeping pieces that can be mixed and matched with each other is another important part of going more minimalist.
What Kinds of Clothes to Shop for
Once you’ve cleaned out your closet, it’s time to shop for things that will fit into your new wardrobe. As mentioned above, it’s good to start with pieces that can be mixed and matched. Maybe a start with a few pieces like these:
- A few pairs of jeans
- A few pairs of dress pants
- Two pairs of exercise shorts or pants
- Four long-sleeve shirts
- Five short sleeve shirts
- Three t-shirts
Your number of items might vary depending on how much you work out, dress up, or head to the office. There are also other items like sweaters, jackets, and shoes that you can add in as well. If they are items you will use, and they can coordinate with other items in your wardrobe, that’s what is important. Just don’t hold on to anything that you don’t use.
Also consider cleaning out accessories like old hats, gloves, and other items. These items may be small, but they can take up a lot of space.
Accessories to Keep on Hand
When you’re using the same pieces to put together outfits, it can get a little boring. A great way to change up your outfit is with accessories.
- Belts
- Hats
- Watches
- Sunglasses
While it’s good to keep a few accessories on hand, make sure you don’t overdo it. Remember to only hold on to what you like and use. Don’t just buy things for the sake of buying them and continue to re-evaluate your accessories every few weeks.
How to Style Your Minimalist Clothes
You’ve got your wardrobe and accessories all ready to go, and you might be wondering how to style them. If you’re just starting with a few basics, consider starting with your favorite pair of jeans. Then pick a top that makes you feel great, pair it with some neutral shoes, and you’re almost there! If your shirt is tucked in, add a belt for some dimension. If it’s cold, add your favorite hat and jacket. Before you leave your house, make sure you love what you’re wearing. It can be great to clean out your closet and live with less, but if you don’t love how you look, you won’t stick to it.
Maintaining a Minimalist Wardrobe
Once you’ve done so much work on your wardrobe, you don’t want to end up back where you started. So, it’s crucial to continue to donate things you don’t need or like. We’re looking at you, bright green sweater from Aunt Jenny, last Christmas.